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Explore the world of tree horoscopes where ancient tree wisdom is communicated through your tree sign.
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The Achiever
Dec. 24 – Jan. 20
You are a special one. When others are losing steam in the last mile, you are turning up the heat for the last dash to the end of the race. You always have your eye on the finish line and you are gifted with boundless energy and determination to get you there. But life isn’t always a running race, where it’s you against the pack. When you’re refilling your water bottle at the water cooler it’s not a weakness to back down for a bit and try to get inside the head of the other person. We are all strongest when we stand together.

The Thinker
Jan. 21 – Feb. 17
You’ve got your head in the clouds again, Rowan. You are known for your high ideals and concern for fairness. It’s time to get out of your own head and put your intention to work. Feel confident that you possess the right vision for those who need help and protection. But take care not to push too hard to be heard. You will not bring people to your side with such directness and others could mistake your insistence for pushiness. Cultivate subtlety and a more strategic mindset and your influence will go far. The world needs compassionate visionaries like you.

The Enchanter
Feb. 18 – Mar. 17
You’ve got the spirit, Ash. Call it cosmic, dark matter, God or love. For you, it may be one and the same. Your openness makes you enchanting to others. But you might also be a little confusing, for even as you draw others to you, you easily feel stifled. Those who really get you will understand that while you do need space, you do not want to be alone. When it comes to friendships, remember it’s not quantity but complementary spirits where you both feel empowered.

The Trailblazer
Mar. 18 – Apr. 14
Hold up, Alder. Your natural sense of adventure may well mean that you leave those closest to you behind. You don’t really think twice about it since you value your independence above all and enjoy blazing new paths with confidence and efficiency. Even the brightest of leaders cannot make music without a band, so be careful not to alienate yourself from those who can make your path in life more meaningful and complete. We all need others to realize our greatest potential.

The Observer
Apr. 15 – May 12
We see you, too, Willow. You may appear calm, but your mind is wild and your heart susceptible to suggestion. You perceive others’ feelings and desires like leaves sense the slightest breeze. Be careful of letting others’ doubts and troubles torment you. Your empathy is your strength when you can react to others with conscious discernment, rather than impulse or needless rumination. Stay true to your own inner voice to access the roots of your wisdom.

The Illusionist
May 13 – June 9
You are a tricky one, Hawthorn. Thorny, impenetrable on the inside; covered with sweet white flowers on the outside. Some might see this duality as something sinister but it is simply practical defense. Do not be weary of your sharp thorns, nor shy to share the loveliness of your bloom. The thorns protect your fiery faeries, the creative passions that nourish and sustain you. When the world is dark, you shine, like the dancing moonwake on a water in the night. Honor your passion, for you will be fortified to share the fruit of your labor and open to journey. Embrace your journey, for it is the way to daily renewal and strength.

The Stabilizer
June 10 – July 7
We feel you, Oak. Even when you are standing so straight and tall day after day and year after year you are not worn down. Though the woodpeckers peck and the winter bites, you weather it all. And those busy squirrels build their nests in your trunk even when they do not deserve such fine treatment. Just be careful of too much self-sacrifice. Remember The Giving Tree? Yes, you are strong and you have so much good to give, but if you do not care for yourself too, and heed the call of your own needs, how will you continue to produce those acorns of renewal and nourishment for others around you?

The Ruler
July 8 – Aug. 4
How do you it all, Holly? A natural leader, your friends look to you for guidance, whether it be choosing the next career move or the next pair of jeans. How did it come to be like this? Even you’re not sure, but whatever. Just watch out. Don’t miss the next waymark because you’ve become accustomed to the ease of naturally knowing the way. Life is bound to get more confusing and you need to be ready for any storm that may come your way.

The Knower
Aug. 5 – Sept. 1
A wise woman once said…. Oh, that was you, Hazel! You are a natural student, full of curiosity and a believer in magic. In your particular wisdom, you know that belief in magic is not at odds with intelligence nor nature. It is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. You might explore this through poetry or song, onstage or off. Despite your bravado, you tend to be too critical of yourself and prone to self-doubt. Put this away and double down on your charm to undermine the negativity. Believe in yourself when others doubt you, but mindfully acknowledge them even when their understanding differs from your own.

The Equalizer
Sept. 2 – Sept. 29
Feeling torn much, Vine? You want to say yes, you want to say no. “Yes” is best but “no” is rest. Some might see indecisiveness, but those who know you best understand an endearing need to tease out both sides of any story. This means friends come to you for compassion and understanding without a fear of judgement even while you drive yourself crazy with the dilemmas of daily life. Don’t worry about missing a party. There is a place between overcommitted and disengaged. You are more likely to find it when you go with what feels natural to you.

The Survivor
Sept. 30 – Oct. 27
You’re a sharp one, Ivy. We’re not talking about your leaves here, which look pointy but are quite soft in the end. You can be a little intimidating at first. You’re smart and for those who earn your trust, you are the most loyal and compassionate of friends. Like an ivy that clings to a tree trunk for support, you are determined to survive. Be sure that you’ve attached yourself to the right partner, whether in love or work, who will continue to grow alongside you. Otherwise, if you grow and they stagnate, well, that’s no good for either of you.

The Inquisitor
Oct. 28 – Nov. 24
Did curiosity really kill the cat, Reed? Like your tree sign, you tend to dominate any area you occupy with your strong will and tenacious personality. Give more sensitive friends a little room. They may find you difficult to be around at first but this does not mean you will not win that flame or friend in the end. They will come to see that your boldness is really only a hallmark of your insatiable need to get to the bottom of any mystery. You’ll be sure to charm when you remember that people can be the greatest mysteries and worthy of unfurling too.

The Seeker
Nov. 25 – Dec. 23
Cool your heels, Elder. You don’t like to be tied down and it sure is hard to pass up a great deal on a trip or a hike to anywhere, but all of this getting away can come with some big costs. Consider rooting down for a bit and nourishing your soul at home. Feed your roots. Dive deep into a good book. Light some candles and have a cup of tea. Think – maybe even write – a little bit about why you love to roam. Then, when you do go, you will grow with strength and suppleness.